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Beal City Public Schools


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Public Health Week Recognizes Beal City Public School District as a “Hometown Health Hero”

Beal City Delegation with Representative Caul

BCPS was honored at the “Hometown Health Heroes” ceremony in the rotunda at the Lansing state capitol on Tuesday, April 17th. The award is given annually by the Michigan Department of Community Health during Michigan's Public Health Week. Representing our district and accepting the award at the ceremony were Joyce Schafer (school board president), Rod Cole (school board trustee), Tracy Natzel (“Girls On The Run” co-advisor), Mick Natzel (School Community Alliance advisor), Manisha Cole (elementary student), Emma Schafer (High School Student Council President), and Bob Kjolhede (Superintendent of Schools). State Representative Bill Caul and State Senator Alan Cropsey were present at the presentation.

Beal City Students with Representative Caul


On Thursday, April 19th the district celebrated the honor at a local “Hometown Health Hero” assembly for 3rd through 12th grade students and staff. Central Michigan District Health Department Health Officer, Mary Kushion opened the ceremony and introduced the award presenter, Michigan's Chief Medical Executive Dr. Greg Holzman.

Melissa DeRoche

School Board President Joyce Schafer with Dr. Gregory Holzman
Dr. Holzman presented the award to board president Joyce Schafer who graciously accepted it on the behalf of the board, students, staff, and the community. Student cooperation and staff leadership were vital reasons that BCPS was the only school system in the state of Michigan to receive the “Hometown Health Hero” award.       


A final ceremony occurred on Friday, April 20th to recognize Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade students in a more developmentally appropriate manner. Diane Saltarelli, Bob Kjolhede, and Sergeant Doug Lalone of the Youth Service Unit presented and explained the award to the students and staff in the small gym.


“Take the First Step! Preparedness and Public Health Threats: Addressing the Unique Needs of the Nation’s Vulnerable Populations” is the theme for Michigan’s Public Health Week (April 16–20, 2007). One of our most vulnerable populations is children in schools that serve kindergarten through 12th Grade. Ensuring that children are safe when they are in school is one of the most important goals for any teacher or administrator. However, the challenge of a comprehensive emergency response plan for schools is unique, given the fact that preparedness efforts require coordination with diverse groups such as, parents, children, law enforcement officials and other emergency response partners.


Beal City Public Schools, under the leadership of their Superintendent Bob Kjolhede, have excelled in the planning for the Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery of emergency crisis situations.  Hometown Health Heroes are recognized for going up and beyond their normal duties, individuals or groups always working to protect families and communities.  In his nomination, Mr. Doty, Isabella County School Safety Alliance Coordinator, pointed out that Beal City’s safety plan is not only complete, but the entire staff and students, along with parents regularly put the plan into practice. “Beal City has been one of the leaders in Isabella County in standardizing the emergency process throughout the county,” states Doty. Bob Kjolhede is an active participant in the Isabella County School Safety Alliance and routinely leads the way in applying best practice techniques in helping to ensure that Beal City Public Schools is the safest possible place for students and staff.


BCPS recognized the following community partners at the local ceremony for their guidance and support of the district's emphasis on health issues and school safety.


Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe

Youth Service Unit

Nottawa Township Fire Department

Gratiot Isabella Regional Educational Service District's

Central Michigan Community Hospital

Red Cross of Isabella County  

Listening Ear

Central Michigan District Health Department

Michigan Association for Public Health

Girls On The Run

Office of Emergency Management