Prospective Students/Enrollment
Board Organization and Authorization and Orientation
Committee Membership Structure
District School Improvement Committee: Usually Newest Three Members
Extra Curricular Committee: Three Members @ Large
Building, Maintenance And Transportation Committee: Three Members @ Large
Business & Finance Committee: Treasurer, President, And One Other Member
Sick Bank Committee: President And One Other Member
Resd Budget Hearing Representative: Treasurer
Personnel Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary
Board Policy Committee: Three Members @ Large
Technology Committee: Three Members @ Large
2023 Board Committee Membership
School Improvement/curriculum Committee: Erin Ludwig, Tom Gross And Brian Locke
Extra Curricular: Brian Locke, Denise Mcbride, And Curt Gottschalk
Building, Maintenance And Transportation: Rod Cole, Erin Ludwig, And Bob Pasch
Business/finance Committee: Curt Gottschulk, Tom Gross, And Bob Pasch
Sick Bank Committee: Erin Ludwig And Denise Mcbride
Isd Budget Hearing Representative: Rod Cole
Personnel Committee: Rod Cole, Denise Mcbride, And Curt Gottschalk (Bob Pasch For Union Negotiations For Rod Cole)(Tom Gross Nonunion Discussions For Curt Gottschalk)
Board Policy Development And Review: Erin Ludwig, Brian Locke, And Bob Pasch
Technology Committee: Rod Cole, Tom Gross, And Denise Mcbride
2023 Beal City Board of Education Insurance Carrier
2023 Financial Institutions & Authorized
Signatures On Accounts & By Position
General Fund Depository– Isabella Bank
General Fund Checking – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Internal Accounts - Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Superintendent Secretary
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Sarah Block, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch
Capital Projects General Fund – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Capital Projects 2017 Fund – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Capital Projects 2017 Money Market – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Custodial Funds – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, Superintendent Secretary
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Sarah Block
Payroll Acct – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Superintendent Secretary, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Sarah Block, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Debt Retirement Fund – 2012 – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Debt Retirement Fund – 2017-2 - Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Debt Retirement fund – 2017-1 - Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Hot Lunch – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Athletic Fund – Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Arbiter Sports Fund -– @ Arbiter Pay - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, Superintendent Secretary
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Sarah Block
Revolving Green Fund- Isabella Bank - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, or Board Member.
*** Current Signatory’s - William Chilman, Rodney Freeze, Denise McBride, Robert Pasch, Curt Gottschalk, Rod Cole
Purchase orders - two signatures: Secondary Principal, or Elementary Principal, or Department Directors, and Superintendent and/or Board Member, and/or Business Manager.
Credit Card - two signatures: Superintendent, Business Manager, Superintendent Secretary and Board Member.
2023 Beal City Board of Education Attorney on Retainer
2023 Beal City Board of Education Auditor on Retainer
2023 Beal City Board of Education Financial Advisors
2023 Beal City Board of Education Legal Notices Publication
The Morning Sun and the School District's Website
Possible New Board Member Questions
1. Who prepares the agendas for the board meetings and how do I get an item included?
2. What do I do if I need additional information?
3. What are the guidelines of the Open Meetings Act?
4. How does the board respond to controversial situations?
5. When is it appropriate to raise concerns about staff?
6. How do i deal with questions from the community/media?
7. How do i respond to community members when i am on the side of a close and carefully watched vote?
8. What relationships should board members have with central office, principals, teachers, support staff?
9. Many Others?
New Board Member Orientation
1. The organization of the school board:Officers;Standing committees; Board member code of conduct, conflicts of interest, and activities
2. Board member development opportunities; In house retreats and workshops; MASB
3. Board meetings & Open Meetings Act; Agenda order of events; Action / Discussion; Robert Rules of Order, Executive session; Confidential
4. Board member authority & responsibilities; The Full Board authority & responsibilities; The Board has one voice; Superintendents authority & responsibilities
5. Board Updates (privileged information & schedule); Questions - No surprises; Board and District Historical perspective
6. Chain of Command to solve problems; Teacher, Coach or employee; Administration team; DSIT; Superintendent; Board of Education
7. Website for information; Board Policy; Administrative Guidelines; Meeting agenda and Minutes; Student Handbooks; Calendar of Events
8. District Vision, Mission, Belief Statements and Three Goals;
9. District Curriculum and Instruction; Secondary; Elementary; Student Achievement data; Distinct's Strategic Plan
10. District Business and Finance; Budget; Revenue; Expenditures; Bond Debts; Investments; Enrollment
11. District Personnel; Professional Staff vs Support Staff; Master Contract; Employee Handbooks; Negotiations
12. Questions?