Safety Patrol

Safety Patrol - Program Information

In the 1920s, AAA clubs helped organize a program where older students assist younger ones with crossing streets on their way to and from school. The safety patrol concept spread quickly to communities and schools nationwide.
As you know Beal City is a unique community, so it makes sense that our Safety Patrol is used in a unique way.  Since we do not have the street system in place that many schools have, the Beal City Elementary Safety Patrol focuses on students being good role models, both on and off duty.  One of their primary rolls is assisting staff with younger students by helping usher them safely into the school, and get safely onto the buses after school.  Some Safety Patrol members are also used to assist younger students get bundled up to keep them safe from the elements.
The Safety Patrol is made up of sixth grade students who show good character and a willingness to take responsibility for part of their community. The are expected to set a good example of character while working and in their personal lives.
Here are what a couple of this year's members have said about being on the Safety Patrol:
"I care about Beal City Elementary and its students." 
"I'm doing it so I can help keep the kids safe."
The Beal City Elementary Safety Patrol is supervised by our Elementary Principal Jason Johnston , with assistants from our SRO Will Bailey, the cafeteria staff, and the playground supervisors.

Safety Patrol - Program Information

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